Sartoria Austereness Trunk Show
|Dashing House Menswear
Call us or whatsapp us at +852 6035 1842 for reservation.

2019年5月24日 下午2:00 – 2019年5月27日 下午12:00
Dashing House Menswear, Room C, 16/F, Charmhill Centre, 50 Hillwood Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
In the rising of young Asian bespoke tailors, Master Wu of Sartoria Austereness is the one you shouldn't miss out.
Master Wu is young, passionate and extraordinarily talented. He was once a classic menswear enthusiast, unsatisfied by the result he got from some of the most prestigious tailors in the world, he decided to be a tailor and develop his own system and method of tailoring which is purely unique in every aspect. Not being bounded by traditional apprenticeship, Master Wu's style is a perfectly shaken Italian cocktail.
Fully handmade and inspired by Neapolitan style, his jacket is done deconstructed with a gorgeous spalla camicia and impressive lapel rolls. Meanwhile learning from the Florentines, the jacket is done generously for a perfect drape.
Accompanied by his impeccable attention to details and excellent handwork, he has paved the way for him to become one of the best master tailors.
<M.D. Wu, 一名來自中國寧波的年輕裁縫,憑著針線縫紉,向世界展示他的西裝哲學。>
一位才華洋溢的年輕裁縫,再加上對西裝的熱情和自家出品的堅持,使他在滿師後獨挑大樑的這一兩年,在中國高級定制界急速冒起。有別於中國傳統紅幫出生的裁縫,MD Wu的西裝哲學深受意大利拿玻里地區的風格所影響,他的出品,透過減輕衣服的結構去增加舒適感,卻又能保持住良好的垂墜感。
MD Wu堅持所有的工序都由他一針一線完成。由裁版、挑樸、到手鎖鈕門,每一個步驟都由是他獨力負責,以確保出品的質素能符合一線的水準。
Dashing House主理人的衣服,圖中的出品均是由他操刀,當中精細的手工,濃厚的個人風格,不禁令到我們愛才惜才,因而希望在自己的地方——香港,讓更多人深入了解如此令人讚嘆的工藝。
MD Wu 將會在2019年5月24-27日,在Dashing House舉辦私人定制會,歡迎各位有興趣的朋友DM/Whatsapp/Fb msg查詢,也歡迎各位隨時來到Dashing House,欣賞MD Wu的成品。